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邀請您參加11/21~11/22【酵素革新趨勢與應用國際研討會】Design, Evolution and Application of Enzymes



『生技醫藥轉譯創新發展計畫-技術支援平台主軸』(TSPA) 計畫將於20191121~22日於國家生技研究園區舉辦『酵素革新趨勢與應用國際研討會』Design, Evolution and Application of Enzymes。誠摯邀請您一同參與。



酵素是生命體中各種化學反應所不可獲缺的蛋白質。據估計生物界中大約有一千萬種不同的酵素存在。近年來醫療酵素的研究蓬勃發展,合成生物學 (synthetic biology)的興起使得酵素被更廣泛的應用於基因編輯、生質能源開發等。為使國內生技醫藥領域各界有機會瞭解酵素研究在全球的發展情形,並促進國際交流與合作,特舉辦此主題研討會。


此次研討會邀請到許多重量級國內外酵素領域研究專家,包含中央研究院院長廖俊智以及美國國家科學院院士Professor Vern Schramm等。在本次研討會中,我們將探討如何重新設計細胞的合成與代謝途徑以解決污染及能源問題、如何調控生物體內酵素的表現及功能以治療各種疾病、以及如何利用天然物的酵素反應途徑開發新藥物…等有趣的題目。透過對酵素更深入的研究及瞭解,我們將能設計出更有效且專一的藥物及療法,以促進全人類的健康福祉。






活動時間: 2019/11/21(Thu) 08:40 ~ 2019/11/22(Fri) 16:50

地點: 國家生技研究園區-C棟國際會議廳



Dear All,


We would like to invite you to attend the international symposium “Design, Evolution and Application of Enzymes” to be held on November 21~22, 2019 at the National Biotechnology Research Park, organized by the TSPA Program.


Enzymes are essential proteins for life. It is estimated that 10 million different enzymes exist in the world. Due to its important functions in biological reactions, enzymes have served as crucial targets for disease treatment.

To promote enzyme research and provide an opportunity for international exchange, we have invited many experts from world-wide to share their recent advances in enzyme research. Our distinguished speakers include the President of Academia Sinica, Dr. James C. Liao and academician of American National Academy of Science, Dr. Vern Schramm. In this symposium, we will hear important topics such as how to redesign and manipulate enzymatic reaction pathways in the microbes to produce renewable energy, how to reprogram the enzyme gene expression to treat incurable diseases, and how to develop new drugs from the enzymatic pathways of natural products.


We hope you will join us to learn more about enzymes!


Registration is free but required. Registration Deadline: 2019/11/18

Time: 2019/11/21(Thu) 08:40 ~ 2019/11/22(Fri) 16:50

Venue: National Biotechnology Research Park (NBRP)/ Building C Auditorium.


TSPA team

Program for Translational Innovation of Biopharmaceutical Development – Technology Supporting Platform

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